ういろう日記 | UIRO Diary (9/19)
9月19日 おはぎ
Ohigan*. Today is making ohagi**. Botamochi** of spring is good, but I prefer grain bean paste. I'd like to have a tea with red beens, but I'm being watched too closely. Patience for a while. Patience until the offering to Gods is done.
是Ohigan。 今天是做Ohagi。 春天的Botamochi是好的,但我更喜欢谷物豆浆。 一开始我也想和安可一起抽,但由于看管严格,我得耐心等待一段时间。 我会耐心等待,直到我做出供奉。
*Ohigan is a traditional week-long seasonal event held in Japan each spring and autumn. It centers on the spring equinox (haru-higan) and autumn equinox (aki-higan), with the equinoxes being public holidays.
**Ohagi and Botamochi are a type of Japanese bean cake Ohagi is a sticky rice ball covered with sweet red bean paste.This sweet red bean paste is made from Azuki beans. Because azuki beans is believed it can keep off evil, Japanese eats ohagi during HIgan.
Ohagi和Botamochi是日本豆饼的一种。 Ohagi是一种粘稠的饭团,上面裹着甜甜的红豆浆,这种甜甜的红豆浆是用赤豆制成的。因为人们相信红豆可以辟邪,所以日本人在Higan时吃Ohagi。
Read the diary of another day.