Catalog A Yu-ichi Inoue Retrospective: 1955-1985 — Kami Ya Co.,Ltd. | 株式会社かみ屋

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KAMIYA ART is a leading contemporary and modern art gallery, representing one of the most important Japanese post-war artist Yuichi Inoue (YU-ICHI) 井上有一, Morihiro Hosokawa (細川護熙) and Shiro Tsujimura (辻村史朗).


Catalog A Yu-ichi Inoue Retrospective: 1955-1985

金沢21世紀美術館 「生誕100年記念 井上有一」公式カタログをお求めの方は、弊社のオンラインショップまたは、にてお求めください。

You can order the official Catalog of A Centennial Exhibition INOUE Yu-ichi at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa through our online shop here., or you can purchase from . 

『井上有一 1955-1985』秋元雄史 編著
生誕百年記念井上有一 金沢21世紀美術館公式カタログ


今福龍太(文化人類学者・批評家 東京外国語大学大学院教授)
北見音丸(一般財団法人 世界紙文化遺産支援財団 紙守 参事)

[収録作品数] 約210点

発行:一般財団法人 世界紙文化遺産支援財団 紙守
仕様:A4変形 ハードカバー・352ページ(予定)

A Yu-ichi Inoue Retrospective; 1955-1985 by Yuji Akimoto
Official Catalog of A Centennial Exhibition INOUE Yu-ichi at 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art

Together with this large-scale retrospective marking the centennial of Inoue Yuichi’s birth, the history of the artist’s career during thirty years from 1955 to 1985 will be surveyed in a publication compiling important works from his early to late periods. Included will be analyses on Inoue Yuichi’s work by leading authorities, introducing the entire scope of his art.

Essay contributors:
UNAGAMI Masaomi (Art critic)
IMAFUKU Ryuta (Cultural anthropologist and critic; Professor, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
KURIMOTO Takayuki (Special research fellow, Institute for Art Anthropology, Tama Art University; Art critic)
KITAMI Otomaru (Supervisor, General Incorporated Foundations World Paper Heritage Support Foundation KAMIMORI)

Number of illustrations: About 210
Publisher: General Incorporated Foundations World Paper Heritage Support Foundation KAMIMORI
Size: A4 variant, hard cover, 352 pages (tentative)
Design: Goshi Uhira
Price: 3,000 yen (In Japan Shipping ¥1,000, International Shipping ¥ask)
Published: January 2, 2016