ういろう日記 | UIRO Diary (9/30)
Kami Ya Co., Ltd
9月30日 お月見
The season when the moon is beautiful. Cakes rather than flowers, and cakes rather than the moon. More bones than cakes. Kamiko is chanting this phrase as if she's learned it recently. ”It's not enough that there's no cloud cover on the moon." For me, "It's not enough that there's no cakes with the moon.," what will this year's moon-viewing be like?
月亮美丽的季节。粽子不如花,蛋糕不如月。骨头比饺子多。神子像是最近才学会的一样,在念叨着这句话。"月亮上没有云层是不够的。" 对于我来说,"月上无饼还不够。",今年的赏月会是什么样子呢?